Incoming Freshmen! Your Lifetouch graduation pictures will be available during registration. If there are problems, you MUST contact the Lifetouch Company.
2019 Seniors! If you had your picture taken by Lifetouch, the packets are in the office. Please pick up asap.
Mandatory Jr High baseball and softball parent meetings will be held in the JH @ 6:00 — use JH entrance. Please bring proof of insurance and physical. JH baseball and softball practices for tonight (7/29) have been cancelled.
Reminder: JH baseball and softball practices begin tomorrow, Monday, July 29 @ 6:00. Both teams will have parent meetings starting at 6:00 at their fields. Make sure to bring proof of insurance. Also, current sports physicals are required prior to participation.
Registration documents for K-12 can be found on the website at Documents will also be available at registration this week.
Jr High baseball and softball practice will begin Monday, July 29. Both practices are from 6-8 @ GHS fields. There will be a mandatory parent meeting for all baseball and softball players starting at 6:00. The mandatory meetings will be held at their respected fields. Current physicals must be on file prior to participation.
Letters that were sent to students entering Kindergarten, 6th, 9th, and 12th grades can be found on
Thank you to all of the families who came out and got their free sports physical for the year!!! And a special thank you to Dr. Alexander and the HMC clinic office staff, nurses and providers -- we truly thank you for making this happen!!!
REMINDER: Galatia students entering grades 4-12 are able to get free sports physicals today from 1-3 at Galatia Jr. High.
Reminder: sports physicals will be held tomorrow, Friday, July 12 from 1-3 at the Jr High!! Copies of physicals will be available upon request during student registration.
If you are having difficulty printing the physical form for Friday, 7/12/2019 please go to
FYI: Freshman and 6th grade students are required to have a school physical; which can & will be used to fulfill their sports physical requirement. However, a sports physical can not be used as a school physical. Therefore, all other athletes must get a sports physical.
Parents unable to accompany their child to receive a free sports physical must sign and return the attached parental consent form. Your child will need to bring this form & their sports physical/pre-participation examination paperwork filled out and signed by parent/guardian.
Free sports physicals will be held at Galatia Jr. High this Friday, July 12 from 1-3 (use JH entrance). Galatia students interested in participating in this year's school sports must have a current sports physical on file, so please come out and take advantage of this service!
Beginning of the year 2019.
Instructional JR/SR High School PE & Driver Education Teacher
Mark your calendars for our Back to School Bash.
ATTENTION JH/HS ATHLETES: Dr Alexander with HMC clinic will provide free sports physicals on July 12th from 1-3 at the Jr High. Students entering grades 6 & 9 will not need a sports physical because they are required to have a school physical. All other athletes are required to have a current sports physical on file to participate in Galatia Athletics during the 2019-2020 season.
Cross Country open gym is cancelled for this evening. I have a last minute doctor's appointment. (Everything's fine.) See you Thursday morning. Run on your own.
School Supplies Lists for PK to 8th Grade can be found on the website.