Incoming Freshmen! Your Lifetouch graduation pictures will be available during registration. If there are problems, you MUST contact the Lifetouch Company.
over 5 years ago, Michele Harbin
2019 Seniors! If you had your picture taken by Lifetouch, the packets are in the office. Please pick up asap.
over 5 years ago, Michele Harbin
Mandatory Jr High baseball and softball parent meetings will be held in the JH @ 6:00 — use JH entrance. Please bring proof of insurance and physical. JH baseball and softball practices for tonight (7/29) have been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
Reminder: JH baseball and softball practices begin tomorrow, Monday, July 29 @ 6:00. Both teams will have parent meetings starting at 6:00 at their fields. Make sure to bring proof of insurance. Also, current sports physicals are required prior to participation.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
Registration documents for K-12 can be found on the website at Documents will also be available at registration this week.
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
Jr High baseball and softball practice will begin Monday, July 29. Both practices are from 6-8 @ GHS fields. There will be a mandatory parent meeting for all baseball and softball players starting at 6:00. The mandatory meetings will be held at their respected fields. Current physicals must be on file prior to participation.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
Letters that were sent to students entering Kindergarten, 6th, 9th, and 12th grades can be found on
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
Thank you to all of the families who came out and got their free sports physical for the year!!! And a special thank you to Dr. Alexander and the HMC clinic office staff, nurses and providers -- we truly thank you for making this happen!!!
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
REMINDER: Galatia students entering grades 4-12 are able to get free sports physicals today from 1-3 at Galatia Jr. High.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
Reminder: sports physicals will be held tomorrow, Friday, July 12 from 1-3 at the Jr High!! Copies of physicals will be available upon request during student registration.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
If you are having difficulty printing the physical form for Friday, 7/12/2019 please go to
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
FYI: Freshman and 6th grade students are required to have a school physical; which can & will be used to fulfill their sports physical requirement. However, a sports physical can not be used as a school physical. Therefore, all other athletes must get a sports physical.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
Parents unable to accompany their child to receive a free sports physical must sign and return the attached parental consent form. Your child will need to bring this form & their sports physical/pre-participation examination paperwork filled out and signed by parent/guardian.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
Sports Physical Parental Consent
Sports Physical p. 1
Sports Physical p. 2
Free sports physicals will be held at Galatia Jr. High this Friday, July 12 from 1-3 (use JH entrance). Galatia students interested in participating in this year's school sports must have a current sports physical on file, so please come out and take advantage of this service!
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
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Beginning of the year 2019.
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
Beginning of the year 2019
Instructional JR/SR High School PE & Driver Education Teacher
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
PE & Driver Ed
Mark your calendars for our Back to School Bash.
over 5 years ago, Gretchen Mayberry
ATTENTION JH/HS ATHLETES: Dr Alexander with HMC clinic will provide free sports physicals on July 12th from 1-3 at the Jr High. Students entering grades 6 & 9 will not need a sports physical because they are required to have a school physical. All other athletes are required to have a current sports physical on file to participate in Galatia Athletics during the 2019-2020 season.
over 5 years ago, Galatia Sports
Cross Country open gym is cancelled for this evening. I have a last minute doctor's appointment. (Everything's fine.) See you Thursday morning. Run on your own.
over 5 years ago, HS History
School Supplies Lists for PK to 8th Grade can be found on the website.
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack