Today, Mrs. Yates's 1st grade got to visit with Lucky Star and learn about saving money. Thank you to Legence Bank for making today's lesson so much fun! Mrs. Yates
almost 6 years ago, Chelsy Yates
Mrs. Yates's 1st grade with Lucky Star
8th grade students that would like to order an 8th grade class shirt needs to turn in $10 to Mrs. Avery or Mrs. Allen on or before Monday, April 15.
almost 6 years ago, Paula Allen
Mrs.Moore’s first grade visit and lesson from Lucky at Legence Bank.
almost 6 years ago, Jessica Moore
Lucky with Mrs.Moore’s class
Attention JH volleyball girls: There will be an end of the season pizza party at Bondo's this Thursday (4/4) @ 6:30. Also, if you have not turned in your uniforms, make sure to bring them on Thursday.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Congratulations to Isaac Irvin and Grace Falick on qualifying for the Bass Masters National Tournament! They place 21st out of 300 boats this weekend! Way to go Bass Cats!!
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Gathering for Tye and Trevor.
almost 6 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
Gathering for Tye and Trevor.
Reminders: Freshmen butterbraid orders and money is due on Monday. You are to give them to either Mrs. Fry or Mrs. Lynch. Those of you participating in Mrs. Lynch's 4th quarter extra credit have until 3:00 on Monday to turn in your letters to her.
almost 6 years ago, HS History
Pre-Registration for Kindergarten
almost 6 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
Pre-Registration for Kindergarten
Shrek, Jr. T-Shirt order forms are due by April 3rd. Orders are being collected at the Grade School office.
almost 6 years ago, Eliza Arnold
Senior Parents: Please read the following information. The date of April 26th may need to be changed depending on the newspaper deadline. Pictures need to be turned in ASAP.
almost 6 years ago, Michele Harbin
Please join us at the Harrisburg McDonald's on Thursday, April 4th from 5 - 7 p.m. All money raised will benefit the Galatia Grade School Playground Fund. See you there!
almost 6 years ago, Eliza Arnold
McTeacher's Night
The HS baseball team is hosting an alumni softball tournament on April 27. Details are attached below. If you have questions or would like to register, please contact Sarah Scott @ 618-499-8618.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Alumni Softball Tournament
Baseball and softball games have been cancelled today. No softball practice. Baseball practice is from 4:30 - 6:30.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Congratulations to the 4th - 6th grade students earning Honor Roll recognition for the 3rd Quarter.
almost 6 years ago, Eliza Arnold
4th grade
5th grade
6th grade
Mark your calendar for a fun evening of food, friends, and BINGO! Hope to see you there! 2019 Senior class would greatly appreciate it!
almost 6 years ago, Michele Harbin
All basketball and volleyball uniforms must be turned in by Tuesday, March 26.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
The 2019 Senior class will be hosting a BBQ/BINGO fundraiser to benefit their senior trip. It will be at the community center in Galatia, Friday, April 5th, starting at 6pm. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! More information to follow!
almost 6 years ago, Michele Harbin
Thank you again to everyone who came out and participated in today’s GHS Bass Fishing Tournament! And thank you to all of the coaches, boat captains & sponsors!
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Way to go Bass Cats!!! More pictures from today’s Bass Fishing tournament:
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
More pictures from today’s bass fishing tournament:
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports