The 2/16 Thompsonville JH volleyball tournament has been changed to a 1-game only event on Monday, 2/18. Concessions will be available and T shirts will be distributed. Galatia will play Akin at 4:00 pm. Also, JH volleyball team pictures will be 2/22 @ GHS after school in the gym.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Jr High Volleyball team pictures will be Friday, 2/22 after school @ HS.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Picture form
Galatia Bearcat spring team shop apparel will be open 2/18 through 3/4. Access codes will be released on Monday, so make sure to place your online order before March 4th! And don't forget to take a look at the attached fliers!!!
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
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A message from Ms. Fulkerson's Kindergarten class: The 2nd egg has started hatching. Hooray!!
almost 6 years ago, Eliza Arnold
Tonight's HS Boys basketball game at Carrier Mills has been moved to Saturday, 2/16 with JV game @ 6:00.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Tonight's HS Boys BKB game at Carrier Mills will begin @ 5:00, bus leaves at 4:00 -- Varsity game only. JH volleyball tournament for 2/16 and 2/18 is scheduled as planned, weather permitting. Coach Trusty will notify players/parents of any changes.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
The SIC Scholarship application is due Feb. 28th. All seniors planning to attend SIC should complete an application, see Mrs. Hamson if you need help filling it out.There are numerous scholarships due March 1st, be sure to check the school website for application information.
almost 6 years ago, Nealy Hamson
JH Volleyball practice will be held at the HS on Friday, 2/15 from after school until 2:00, VARSITY ONLY. Girls are encouraged to bring something to eat since lunch will not be served due to early dismissal.
almost 6 years ago, Paula Allen
HS Boys Regional Basketball Schedule @ Sesser-Valier.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
2019 Sesser-Valier Regional
The HS boys basketball game on 2/15 @ Carrier Mills will be a varsity game only, 6:00 start. Seniors from both schools will be recognized prior to the start of the game.
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
A message from Ms. Fulkerson's Kindergarten Class: One of the eggs hatched today, February 12th! It's an Ankylosaurus! Anxiously awaiting the other egg!
almost 6 years ago, Eliza Arnold
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Varsity Scholar Bowl defeated Gallatin Co. 160-110 at today’s match. This was only Gallatin Co.’s second loss of the season!
almost 6 years ago, HS History
Front row: Kelsi Watson and Hannah Jackson Back row: Nick Triplett, Cameron Triplett, Coach Heather Lynch, Brendon Mondino, and Allen Marvel
Newton’s First Law in action today!!!
almost 6 years ago, Paula Allen
Newton’s First Law
Newton’s First Law
Newton’s First Law
CONGRATULATIONS to Clayton Anderson for advancing to the Evansville Area Regional Spelling Bee! He will compete against 50 other spellers from the Tri-State Region on Saturday March 2 at the University of Southern Indiana Performance Center. Way to go, Clayton! Good Luck!
almost 6 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
Clayton Anderson.
A message from Ms. Fulkerson's Kindergarten Class: D is for Dinosaur Eggs. They are going to hatch soon. Thanks Mr. Hughes for the Hatchin' Grow Dino Eggs and Ms. Karen for providing buckets of water. More updates to follow.....
almost 6 years ago, Eliza Arnold
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Hey Bearcats! Don’t forget about Valentines Day. You can order a special Valentine to send to any student or teacher at Galatia. You must send in your order and money to either Mrs. Eliza at the GS or Mrs. Jennifer at the HS by Tuesday, Feb 12th. A Valentine card and bag of Hershey's kisses will be delivered to them. The cost is only $1. You can add 50 cents if you want to keep it a secret. Extra forms are on the school website & Facebook.
almost 6 years ago, Cheryl Disney-Walrack
Galatia 55- Egyptian 54!!! Way to go Bearcats!!!!!
almost 6 years ago, Galatia Sports
Fourth Grade Citizens of the Month for January
almost 6 years ago, Shawna Moulton
Brian Gibbs
7th grade Science classes watching yeast cells budding!
almost 6 years ago, Amanda Avery
7th grade science
7th grade science
7th grade science
CHILI DINNER from 3-5 at the Galatia High School, today, Feb 9th. $7 for chili, hotdog, tea/water, and dessert. Proceeds go towards the senior trip. Be sure to hang around for the boy's last home game against Egyptian starting at 5pm!
almost 6 years ago, Michele Harbin